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2022 Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 1M 5K 10K 13.1 26.2-Save $2

Around the World! Participate from home!, Denver

Honoring those who serve to protect, we are hosting our seventh annual “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day” 1m, 5K, 10K, 13.1, and 26.2 *SIGN UP NOW FOR $16 INSTEAD OF THE REGULAR $18! Join our Facebook Community of more than 23,000 members HERE! Honoring those who serve to protect, we are hosting our seventh annual “Law …


Food Safety Works – Food Service Certification-ONLINE

REMINDER THIS IS NOT THE CERTIFICATION FOR COTTAGE FOODS TRAINING. This is for food service workers.REMINDER THIS IS NOT THE CERTIFICATION FOR COTTAGE FOODS TRAINING. This is for food service workers. The Food Safety Works safe food handler certificate training teaches entry-level food workers how to safely handle, prepare and store food. This certification is taught …


Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing

Colorado State University Extension 17 N Spruce St, Second Floor, Room 226, Colorado Springs

Colorado State University Extension: El Paso CountyTesting your pressure canner dial gauge annually is vital in keeping your pressure canned products safe. Gauges that read high cause under-processing and may result in unsafe food. Low readings cause over-processing. You can purchase your pressure canner gauge testing with or without The Complete Guide to Home Canning …

$5.00 - $20.00

Mixed Media Journal

Sweetwater Studio 11663 Voyager Parkway, Colorado Springs

Explore a variety of media as you design a journal with a cover as unique as you!Have you ever wondered how to create beautiful mixed media art journal cover?In this …
