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Find Your Purpose workshop

January 25 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

$35.00 - $40.00
Let go of the boring and reinvent yourself with the activities that set your soul on fire.

Lately, have you been feeling like:

  • Life has no meaning
  • You’ve lost part of who you are
  • You are exhausted and depleted
  • You want to be involved but don’t know how
  • Your career is fine…but it doesn’t fulfill you
  • Every day feels the same
  • You are perfectly capable, healthy, everything is fine, but you just existyou’re not really living

Worst of all, you are SO ready for a change, but you don’t know where to start?

What would it be like if you had purpose and a passion for life once again?

To truly feel like your life has meaning beyond your career, family, and keeping a nice house?

Imagine what your life would be like to wake up excited every morning to be alive. Can you even imagine a day where you don’t want to sleep in, simply because you just can’t wait to get started with your day?

In this life, you laugh and smile more. You feel happy and alive! Life just seems to flow in a positive direction. As a result, you naturally attract more friendships because you are happier and it is infectious. Even your kids make plans to spend more time with you!

Best of all, you have a deep knowing that you are heading in the right direction and it feels GOOD. You trust yourself and the decisions you make because you recognize that you are doing everything with love for yourself. You are thriving and you love it.

This doesn’t have to be a daydream!

This CAN be your life. If you’re ready to reinvent yourself and finally figure out what fills your cup, the Find Your Purpose workshop was made for you.

During the Find Your Purpose workshop, we’ll be going through:

  • 2 techniques to reconnect with your heart and soul
  • 7 strategies to discover your life purpose
  • Guided activities that instantly boost your confidence and trust for yourself
  • A done-for-you action plan to immediately propel you into living a more meaningful life

This workshop is for you if you:

  • Want your life to have more meaning beyond your career and kids
  • Are ready to make a change, but don’t know where to start
  • Feel like life is stagnant and boring
  • Desire to change your career, your extracurriculars or volunteering activities
  • Long to discover makes you feel fulfilled
  • Need more reasons to get up each morning and be happy to be alive

These tools work, even if you….

  • are depressed, depleted, and stuck
  • have been completely lost and aimless for a long time
  • don’t know who you are anymore and have no idea how to figure it out
  • lack the inspiration to even know what you want

So, what are you waiting for?

The invitation is right here to step into your purposeful life! Join us for this engaging and enlightening workshop!


January 25
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
$35.00 - $40.00


Fireside Properties, Inc.
216 Main Street
Edwards, CO 81632 United States